Even if youre not such an avid fan of the army, you can still find yourself looking quite good in a pair of camouflage pants, or perhaps donning a military vest.
The most basic styles of military clothing commonly use green and blue tones, with some leaning towards red or yellow.
It mostly depends on where you live and whats popular with your own military – for example, if you live in a country with dense green forests, your military would likely be using camouflage clothes that can blend well in such environment, so youre likely to find more clothes with green tones on them.
Even though military clothing is known for being very durable, you shouldnt skip the quality inspection part of your shopping under no circumstances – you should have always have a close look at the items youre buying and see if there are any flaws in the design, especially when it comes to the quality of the stitches around the edges.
If youre buying military clothing with incorporated blazer badges or similar decorative additions, you should inspect those as well, and have a look at how well theyre tied to the fabric of the actual clothes.
Try to stay modern with your choice of military clothing too – camouflage keeps changing these days, as military engineers discovered that the commonly used patterns with ink blobs and spots tend to have imperfections, and theres a trend nowadays that shifts towards "pixel camouflage."
If you havent seen any clothes that utilize these patterns yet, the idea is simple – instead of having humans paint the camouflage pattern by hand, its generated by a computer using data about the environment and the human eye, producing a highly coloured pattern that looks nothing like traditional camouflage, but is much more effective due to the finely adjusted contrast.
Getting military clothing that incorporates camouflage patterns of this kind can look really cool – but it can also be a bit difficult to get your hands on, as these l camouflages are still considered mostly military technology and arent being used so widely in consumer products.
There are exceptions, of course, and looking hard enough should get you some good-looking camouflage clothes for a good price.
If youre allowed to customize your clothes with personal designs upon your purchase too, this is another way to incorporate a camouflage design into them – though you will have to spend a lot of time finding a high-resolution pattern to use.
It is certainly not impossible though, so ask around a bit among people whove already bought similar military clothes.